Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Hello Again!

Well, it has been a long time since my last post.
And by long time of course I mean a year and a half ;)
I promise the time was not wasted, in the last year I've been to:
NYC (several times)
and my favorite trip ... Scotland!!
by the way Nessie is real and I've seen her!
I've been to one sisters wedding (Scotland) and am getting ready for another sisters wedding.
I've met Oprah!
It's true, she put her hand on Scott's shoulder and asked him how he was.
He was good :)
I've watched and photo stalked
Lauren Graham
Oliver Platt
Christopher Walken
Angela Lansbury
in several Broadway shows.
(no worries, the photos were at the backstage door afterwards, with the rest of the crazy fans...yes, I totally recognize I was one of them...but it was so much fun!)
My hard drive crashed and then my computer had to be rebuilt. Thank goodness for friends who are computer geniuses!
I've sorted through most every box, bag, and paper in the great housecleaning of 2010 in an effort to de-clutter.
are you sitting down for this one?...
I've been working on my DISSERTATION!!!
I know, even I didn't know if that one was going to happen. But it is happening and soon I will be done!! I can't wait!
For now I'm just glad to be back and hope you are too :)