Sunday, August 17, 2008

Still Working and Katie's Creations

Just a quick note.

The dissertation is coming along! I'm not gonna lie, it is hard, time consuming, and I still need a couple of good weeks of work. However I am finally getting to the point where I am having fun as I work on it and all my research is starting to come alive in my work. Just a couple more weeks and it will be ready to turn in the first draft! First you ask? yes, unfortunately it will go through many drafts until it is perfect but that is OK, once the first draft is in, the hardest part is over. Keep praying for me, we all know I need it!

As a fun treat for you all, I am providing the link to my dear friend Katie's new site MiaMoo designs! She is very creative and makes the cutest clips for baby and toddler girls (plus some might be really cute for older girls as well - oh yes, once you see them, you will want one!) So in time for you to start your Christmas shopping, or in order the have the coolest birthday gift that will have everyone at the party asking where on earth you got such darling accessories, here is the link:

Katie I am proud of you and excited to buy these for my niece and all my friends little girls!


Katie said...

Meg, you're so sweet! Thanks for the shout out! I LOVE your background! I didn't see this one :( I just love it! Miss you...

karen said...

Good luck on your many drafts - I know that final one will be perfect. You're one smart girl!

steph said...

I'm so glad you are finally in the "flow". It should go easier now for you. What a huge sigh of relief you have coming when that suckers turned in.

Shannon Nielsen said...

I think you're experiencing dissertation "labor pains" and when you finally get done "birthing this baby" you're gonna be one exhausted, elated, proud mama! I could have carried that one on further but figured I wouldn't waste precious hope you'll post it for us to enjoy/comment at some point, all that hard work deserves some props! Of course I LOVE Katie's clips - they've withstood all the use and abuse we've put them through and the girls still love them. Resisting the urge to buy one in every color...

Lori said...

Hello Meaghan,
I came across your blog today. It is so fun to read up and see how you are doing. Sis michaud

Scott and Meaghan said...

Lori!! I am excited to hear from you! How are you? I have totally missed you!

Darci said...

Your dissertation sounds horrible!! Sorry hopefully it will be over with soon. I can't wait to see pictures of your life, I LOVE pictures.

P.S. I totally want that S. CA t-shirt you found!!!

Lori said...

Meaghan, We are doig fine. Jon has started HS and Bryan is in 6 grade.

Katie said...


ZAC said...

MEAGHAN, YOU FREAKING POPULAR GAL (JUST LIKE THE GOOD OLD DAYS!)---I'm so glad you checked out my blog and that now I can keep track if yuall's! I'm looking forward to checking out this site!