On our Second (and last day) in Wilmington we decided to hit the Beach!!
Now I'm not gonna lie to you, I do not tan. I know, shocking right, I'm sure many of you had no idea! :) But don't worry, I've come to grips with this reality and took proper precautions, such as:
An Umbrella
Thank you Alex for setting it up
And of course sunscreen, which was applied librally. What spf you ask? Why 60 of course, we have to protect that gorgeous skin!
Scott making sure his farmer's tan stays in tact!
Heidi and Alex, can you tell they grew up here, look at those tans!
Scott and I
So there I sat, under an umbrella with 60 sunblock on, wearing a hat and a sundress, pretty much completely covered up. I am proud to say I only got a very little red:)
The Beach!!! Just as nice on the East Coast as the West!
The day was beautiful, a little humid but the wind picked up and kept things cool. I don't think we will ever get over how warm the water is out here (you know it is bad when people refer to the temperature of the water as "bath water!") Today was not so bad though, the water was just cold enough to cool down but not so cold that we couldn't enjoy it.
The boys spent the first two hours surfing on the worlds smallest waves, but they were oh so cute in the process! Heidi and I sat on the sand reading the second book from the Twilight series and catching up on our latest "The Hills" gossip.
For our last hour we all got in the water and had a great time. Each of us tried boogie boarding, Heidi and Alex caught some great waves. However the star of the day was Scott. At this point the waves finally picked up and we found out that Scott is a pro body surfer! Who knew!! He would ride every wave in and we couldn't quite keep up!
I think the beaches out here are so picturesque with the plants growing out of the sand and sand dunes everywhere. Here is an example:

Here I am at the end of the day, no tan but a whole lot of freckles! Got to love those Irish genes (thanks dad!)
(un-oh, no make-up, I should have warned you!)
Our time at the beach came to a close and we were ready to go shopping and sightseeing! (see next post)